9 Steps to Writing Checks

Tips on Writing Your Checks

Your energy is connected to each asking of the Universe be mindful of that when writing checks.

Ideally no more than 5 checks, definitely no more than 10 checks.

Write out a check in alignment with where the New Moon is touching your birth chart!

Current Moon Phase

Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon
Sun in Leo
4 degrees
Moon in Aries
26 degrees
Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon
21 days old

Not sure how to figure that out – order a birth chart from us and we’ll share.

When you order the Manifesting call, a link is shared on how to figure out where the new moon it touching your chart.

9 Steps to writing your New Moon Abundance Checks

Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do it. 

After the first time, they realize the power of these checks and do them routinely every month!

Try it yourself and See!

Notice over time how your income increases, or things come to you “out of the blue” or you get a great deal or an item you have been wanting is gifted to you.

Abundance comes in many forms. Be open and ALLOW!

If you enjoy this ritual, do it for the next three New Moons and see what happens. Chart Reading!!!

Everything is energy and energy is
abundant and unlimited!

ABUNDANCE CHECKS ready for use! (go here)

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The Manifesting Edge!

BOOST your Manifesting
by joining us every month for the
New Moon Manifesting Call! 


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